
Python automatically assigns a variable the appropriate datatype based on the value it is given. A variable with the value 7 is an integer, 7. is a float, "7" is a string. Sometimes we will want to convert variables to different datatypes. For example, if we wanted to print out an integer as part of a string, we would want to convert that integer to a string first. We can do that using str():
age = 13 print "I am " + str(age) + " years old!"
This would print:
>>> "I am 13 years old!"
Similarly, if we have a string like "7" and we want to perform arithmetic operations on it, we must convert it to a numeric datatype. We can do this using int():
number1 = "100" number2 = "10" string_addition = number1 + number2 #string_addition now has a value of "10010" int_addition = int(number1) + int(number2) #int_addition has a value of 110
If you use int() on a floating point number, it will round the number down. To preserve the decimal, you can use float():
string_num = "7.5" print int(string_num) print float(string_num)
>>> 7 >>> 7.5
Create a variable called product that contains the result of multiplying the float value of float_1 and float_2.
Create a string called big_string that says:
The product was X
with the value of product where the X is.

Hint! You can combine strings by casting the numerical value to a string and using the + operator:
"I have " + str(18) + " dogs at home!"


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