Updating Variables
Changing the contents of a variable is one of the essential operations. As the flow of a program progresses, data should be updated to reflect changes that have happened.
fish_in_clarks_pond = 50
print "Catching fish"
number_of_fish_caught = 10
fish_in_clarks_pond = fish_in_clarks_pond - number_of_fish_caught
In the above example, we start with 50 fish in a local pond. After catching 10 fish, we update the number of fish in the pond to be the original number of fish in the pond minus the number of fish caught. At the end of this code block, the variable
is equal to 40.
Updating a variable by adding or subtracting a number to the original contents of the variable has its own shorthand to make it faster and easier to read.
money_in_wallet = 40
sandwich_price = 7.50
sales_tax = .08 * sandwich_price
sandwich_price += sales_tax
money_in_wallet -= sandwich_price
In the above example, we use the price of a sandwich to calculate sales tax. After calculating the tax we add it to the total price of the sandwich. Finally, we complete the transaction by reducing our
by the cost of the sandwich (with tax).
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