Everything You Need To Know About Adsense For Blogger

How to Add AdSense to Blogger

adsense for blogger

You can add AdSense to just about any blog or Website, so long as you follow Google's Terms of Service.
It is especially Adsense For Blogger.

    Google AdSense is one of the best ad networks to monetize a website or a blog. It is 90% better than any other CPC advertising programs. It offers the publishers the highest CTR for every web page. The publishers could make lots of revenue daily from Google Adsense. Every new webmaster has a dream to monetize his website with this ad network. But unfortunately, many of them fail. Adsense has introduced some strict rules and requirements. It seems hard to get Adsense approval for our own blog.  But, we know impossible is nothing.
    Setting up a Blogger account takes three easy steps. Create an account, name your blog, and choose a template. One of those steps is already finished as long as you have created a Google account for any other purpose, such as Gmail. 
    You can host multiple blogs with the same account name, so the Google account you use for Gmail is the same Google account you can use for all your blogs. This way you could separate your professional blogs you use for income from any personal blogs.
    The first step is simply to log into Blogger and create a new blog
    When you register a new blog on Blogger, you have the option to register a new domain using Google Domains. If you opt not to do so, you just need to pick a "bloglspot.com" address. You can always go back and add a domain later, and if you already have a domain name from some other service, you can direct your domain to point to your new blog on Blogger. 

    Register for AdSense (If You Have Not Done So Already)

    Before completing the rest of these steps, you must link your AdSense account to your Blogger account. In order to do that, you must have an AdSense account. Unlike many other Google services, this isn't one that comes automatically with registering for an account. 

    Registering for AdSense isn't an immediate process. AdSense will start appearing on your blog as soon as you register and link the accounts, but they will be ads for Google products and public service announcements. These do not pay money. Your account will have to be manually verified by Google in order to be approved for full AdSense use. 
    You will need to fill out your tax and business information and agree to AdSense terms and conditions. Google will verify that your blog is eligible for AdSense. (That it doesn't violate terms of service with things like obscene content or inappropriate items for sale.) 
    Once your application is approved, your ads will change from public service ads to paying contextual ads if any are available for the keywords on your blog.

    Go to the Earnings Tab

     Ok, you have created both an Adsense For Blogger blog. Maybe you're using a Blogger blog that you've already established (this is recommended - you don't actually earn much with a low traffic blog you just created. Give it some time to build up an audience.) 

    The next step is to link the accounts. Go to the Earnings settings on your blog of choice. 

    Link Your AdSense Account to your Blogger Account

    This is a simple verification step. Verify that you want to link your accounts, and then you can configure your ads. 
    Once you've verified that you want to link your Blogger to AdSense, you'll need to specify where you want ads to display. You can place them in gadgets, between posts, or in both places. You can always go back and change this later if you think you have too many or too few. 

    Next, we'll add some gadgets. 

    Go to Your Blog Layout

    Blogger uses gadgets to display informational and interactive elements on your blog. To add an AdSense gadget, go first to Layout.  Once in the layout area, you'll see the areas designated for gadgets within your template. If you don't have any gadget areas, you'll need to use a different template. 
    Now add a new gadget to your layout. The AdSense gadget is the first choice. 
    Your AdSense element should now appear on your template. You can rearrange the position of your ads by dragging the AdSense elements to a new position on the template.
    Be sure to check with AdSense Terms of Service to make sure you don't exceed the maximum number of AdSense blocks you're allowed.

    How to Get Google Adsense Approval With A New Blog

    The good news is “Getting Approval of Google AdSense with a New Blog is Now Really Easy”, if you follow some basic rules from the starting of your blog. When I first tried, I failed to get approval. But, following these rules, now I have an approved AdSense account. Thinking about this topic, I made a decision to share the basic rules of AdSense.

    First Ready Your Blog Before Applying for Adsense:

    Adsense moderators always approve those blogs whose have met up the requirements. First of all, you should make your blog ready for this process. Check first if your blog considers these requirements. Now, there are some initial basic requirements announced by AdSense team, and there are some known hacks and tricks that work.The only thing which really matter here is “Quality”. Let’s look at factors which will make your Adsense For Blogger ready:

    Write High-Quality Contents:

    A writing proverb “Content is King” helps you understand this requirement. A high-quality blog is identified with the high-quality contents. Great contents mean unique, decorated, stated and clear concerted content. Some black hat webmasters say, copy paste content only between 100-200 words is enough. But, I may assure him that his journey to Adsense For Blogger will be certainly finished. I think, how a blog post or content could be only between 400-500 words? In my judgment, it is not possible to completely describe a topic within 100-200 words. And if copy paste content is enough, anybody can declare him as a blogger. Please keep in mind, Google AdSense doesn’t approve blogs with copy pasted copyright content. A well-optimized blog post should be 100% unique and above 1000 words. So, always write blog post above this limit and it must be unique which clearly determinate the post topic.

    Optimize your Blog Posts with Meta Tags and Make It Search Engine (SEO) Friendly:

    Optimize your unique blog post with Meta Title and Description Tag. The meta tags describe what the content is about to the crawler bots. It is not possible for AdSense editorial board to check every single website that has applied to get AdSsense approval. So, positively they will use their crawler bots. The bots will check for every footprint on your blog.  That’s why you should make sure; you have specified these tags with appropriate information.
    Please keep in mind that your Meta Title should be between 69 characters (including spaces), and Meta Description should be between 156 characters (including spaces). 
     Blogger, here guides which will cover all basic SEO requirements:

    BlogSpot SEO Advanced SEO

    How to Enable BlogSpot Advanced SEO settings?

    Login to your Blogger dashboard and under settings > search preference you will find all the new SEO options which are added by Blogger team. You have to enable all the settings one by one, and my suggestion is to read this guide seriously else a wrong settings (BlogSpot Robots.txt), may lead to complete de-indexing of your blog.
    here are new SEO features added by Blogger team:
    • Description meta tag:
    • Custom 404-page message
    • Custom redirects (Redirect 404 pages to any page on your blog).
    • Custom robots.txt
    • Custom Robots header tags
    • No follow tag, open link in new tab

    Lets Dive into World of BlogSpot Search preference settings:

    Lets, look into all the feature one by one and my suggestion implement it on your blog for better search engine optimization of your Blogger blog
    Adsense for blogger
    Add caption

    Have Sufficient Contents or Posts:

    You must lead sufficient contents or posts on every page and category. In total, you should have 15-30 blog posts on your whole blog. This is not an official declaration. But, I recommend everybody to at least have it. So, you should have at least 3-4 posts in every category, tag and page. Google Adsense told that we must have sufficient contents in every single web page. So, we should add contents in all pages and categories. There shouldn’t be any blank page without any content. And these posts have to pass the minimum length of 900 words as it is the best blog post length. The more you increase the length, the more you go towards to get Google Adsense approval.

    Be Serious to Choose Content Images:

    Google Adsense doesn’t approve blogs if they lead to copyrighted contents. Copyrighted means the things that have been copied from others directory without their permission. And we make fault every time when choosing an image. 

    Check if Your Blog is Not Blocked by Google:

    :Be sure that, your blog is not blocked by Google. Because Adsense will check your blog statistics on their search engine. Don’t know how to check it? Just search for “site:yourdomain.com” on Google. If you find out search results, your blog is not blocked. But, if you not, it is blocked.

    How Much Traffic Do You Need To Make $100/Day with Adsense?

    adsense for blogger

    When I see people talk about Adsense, I see a lot of discussion about profitable niches, cost per click, making a full-time income, etc but I never see much discussion about traffic. I see forum threads everyday of people wanting to learn how to reach $100/day with Adsense At the end of the day it’s all about traffic. There are many factors that affect a site’s overall income, but lots of traffic is the common denominator.
    So how much traffic do you really need to get to $100/day with Adsense?

    Am I saying 150,000 visitors/month will always equal $100/day?Of course not. It could be lower, or even much higher than that. There are so many factors in play that it’s going to be different for everybody. But, it’s a close estimation.
    The biggest metric you need to calculate Adsense income for a website is page RPM.

    What is page RPM?

    Basically, it’s the calculation of how much money you made per 1000 page views. It’s calculated based on a combination of your traffic, CTR (click-through-rate), and CPC (cost per click).
    Page RPM = (Estimated earnings / Number of page views) * 1000
    The average RPM I’ve experienced with Adsense is about $5 to $10 for broad niches and up to $100 for more competitive niches with high CPC.
    If you’re able to know your RPM, you can accurately estimate earnings potentials for higher traffic numbers, as well as the amount of traffic you’ll need to make a full-time income.
    For instance, if you’re making an average $10 RPM from one of your websites, that’s $10 for every 1000 visitors on your site.
    So you can easily calculate that if you increased your traffic to 100,000 visitors, you would make $1000. If you grew it it 1,000,000 you would make $10,000. Again, not perfectly accurate, but a good estimation.

    What is the average page RPM?

    The average RPM for AdSense ranges greatly depending on your niche, quality of website, traffic source, and the number of advertisers on the AdWords platform. On the low end, it will usually be around $2 to $5. On the medium end, it can range from $5 to $10. On the higher end, that can go all the way up to $50+.

    Traffic Required to Make $100/Day

    Let’s break down the numbers even further with some example metrics.
    We’ll try to use numbers as close to average as possible. For this example, we’ll use a $1 CPC and a 5% CTR. So how much traffic do we need to make $100 per day with those figures?
    First, we need to figure out how many clicks equates to $100.
    100 / 1 = 100 clicks.
    If we need 100 clicks at 5% CTR, the total traffic must be…
    100 / 0.05 = 2,000.
    We need 2,000 visitors a day. Per month, that is…
    2,000 x 30 = 60,000.

    A $50 page RPM is really great. If I were getting $50 RPM on a site, I would really start building it out with more posts and meaty content to boost those traffic figures.You can then calculate estimated income based on your future traffic goals.If you were to increase traffic on the site to 500,000 visitors a month, that is $25,000 a month.

    Quick Tips

    If you are just starting out, there are several things that you should absolutely do in order to get the most out of AdSense. The official guides offered during the signup process are fairly limited, not offering any particularly noteworthy advice. You may already be implementing many of these, but there are likely some pieces of low hanging fruit among the following.
    1. Max Out Ad Units. We’ll start off with an easy one: AdSense lets you have up to three standard ad units on a page, so you’d be wise to take advantage by maxing out.
    2. Max Out Link Units. Link units are a wildly underused AdSense option; placing up to three of these on a page should give you a quick, meaningful boost. 
    3. Pay Attention to Link Units. This point is worth reiterating. While many publishers focus primarily on traditional ad units, link units have the potential to out-earn leaderboards and rectangles.
    4. Set up a Custom Search Engine. This is another way to get more AdSense units on your site; custom search engines will generally see very high RPMs (though traffic is relatively light).
    5. Enable Placement Targeting. This allows advertisers to include your website in their campaign, either by name or by targeting an interest group. Placement targeting should be enabled by default, but if you’re using DFP you may need to take a few additional steps.
    6. Set up Custom Channels. Setting up custom channels will allow you to get better insights into what’s working and what isn’t, and will make testing down the road easier. It’s pretty easy to get these up and running, and worth making the up front investment to do so.
    7. Allow Text & Images. One of the primary choices within AdSense involves either restricting an ad unit to “image only” or allowing both text and image ads. Permitting text ads to show gives AdSense a deeper pool of ads, and will almost certainly increase your click rate and earnings.
    8. Use Standard Units. While AdSense lets partners choose from more than a dozen ad units, there are a few units that are more common with advertisers. Using these common ad sizes–300×250, 728×90, and 160×600–will give AdSense a deeper pool of advertisers from which to choose.
    9. Monitor Fill Rate. Make sure that you’re serving ads and not blank space on your site. Monitoring fill rate is an easy way to do this; if there are any discrepancies, here are five reasons why AdSense and Analytics may not match.
    10. Supplement AdSense. The terms and conditions of AdSense allow for only three ad units per page. In many cases, pages can comfortably accommodate more than three ads per page without overwhelming visitors and leading to a bad experience. If you think your site could use more ad units, there’s nothing to stop you from supplementing your AdSense units with ads from a competing provider. 
    11. Place Units Above the Fold (ATF). This one might seem obvious: the higher up on a page your ads are, the more they’ll be viewed (and the more you’ll earn).
    12. Relative Positioning Matters. While placing ads above the fold is generally advantageous, the relative positioning of ads (i.e., what they’re next to) is more important than their explicit location in the page. but likely out of sight within the first few seconds of a visitor being on the page.
    13. Beware of Overdoing It. When chasing AdSense earnings, it’s easy to get carried away and make decisions that are detrimental to the user experience in order to generate some additional revenue. While there may be a short term win, you’ll ultimately hurt the long term earnings potential of your site by eroding your traffic base. 
    14. Shift Right to Left. All else being equal, content on the left side of your site is viewed more than content on the right side (due to the fact that most of the world reads left to right). If you have a skyscraper on the right side of the page, try moving it left.
    15. Re-position Right Rail Ads. If you have a section of your right rail dedicated to ads, try moving it up and down relative to other content and measure the impact on earnings. For example, the screenshot below from CNN shows four of the “zones” in the right rail, with an ad in the first slot. An experiment could involve moving it to “zone 2” and measuring the impact.
    16. adsense make money
    17. Optimize for Mobile Traffic. The percentage of your traffic coming from mobile devices is probably larger than you suspect, and it’s growing rapidly. Check out the ad experience for your mobile visitors; if it’s sub-optimal, there may be some quick wins you can pick up.
    18. Use Responsive Ads. Google now offers responsive AdSense code, meaning you can equip your site to dynamically change the size of ad units displayed based on the user’s screen.

    Top Ways to Increase AdSense CPC

    The term CPC or ‘Cost Per Click.’ If you are using Google AdSense on your web pages then you will know that these are adverts from Google’s AdWords advertising program. Advertisers using the AdWords program pay Google for every click made on their adverts.

    There are two factors involved here: the CPC and CTR (Click Through Rate) – the latter is the ratio of visitors who actually click on an advert rather than just read the page content and ignore the ads. A high CTR is often better than a high CPC.
    Thus, if you get a CTR of 2% with adverts with a CPC of $0.75 (2 visitors in each 100 click on an advert), then that is better than a CTR of 1% with adverts with a CPC of $1.20. With the former, each 1,000 visits will make you $10.20 (68% of $15) while with the latter you would make only $8.16. So CTR matters, not just earnings per click. It’s how many that click that often makes your money, not always the cost of each click.

    1. Get Quality Traffic

    This is out #1 Tip on how to increase AdSense CPC. Many leave it till last or do not even mention it at all. It is my view that if your visitors are not properly focused on your niche, then they will not click on adverts appertaining to it. You must make sure that your traffic is seeking what you are advertising.
    Google’s AdSense customers are the advertisers, and the company will do whatever it can to make sure that these paying advertisers get good value for money – or a good conversion rate from clicks. If you do not attract visitors to a web page or blog post that have a strong interest in the topic of the page or post, then your CTR might be low. Read our publication to increase your blog traffic.

    →     what is rpm adsense

    Page RPM. Page revenue per thousand impressions (RPM) is calculated by dividing your estimated earnings by the number of page views you received, then multiplying by 1000. Page RPM = (Estimated earnings / Number of page views) * 1000.

    What is a good RPM AdSense?

    The average RPM for AdSense ranges greatly depending on your niche, quality of website, traffic source, and the number of advertisers on the AdWords platform. On the low end, it will usually be around $2 to $5.

    How to Increase Page RPM :

    The average RPM for AdSense ranges greatly depending on your niche, quality of website, traffic source, and the number of advertisers on the AdWords platform. On the low end, it will usually be around $2 to $5. On the medium end, it can range from $5 to $10. On the higher end, that can go all the way up to $50+

    How To Increase AdSense RPM

    Increase targeted traffic well-targeted traffic is the key to getting started with the AdSense RPM,  the more relevant traffic will lead to maintaining best value CPMs in the first place.

    Optimize Website/page's SEO should be the priority as we know the best quality visitors come in via search and SEO proficiency helps you achieve just that.

    Improve Quality of your content , make sure you didn't copy/paste, write SEO friendly, easily readable, contains all the information about your targeted keyword.

    2. Do Your Research

    The second tip on how to increase AdSense CPC is equally important. You must research your niche for the highest paying keywords. The way AdWords operates is that advertisers bid for keywords. The more they pay-per-click for a specific keyword, the higher in the Google SERPS their advert will appear. The niche is irrelevant – what is relevant is what each advertiser is willing to bid to get the #1 or even a Page #1 position for their advert on Google SERPS for that keyword.
    Keyword Selection: That means you must also figure out what keywords you should use for the pages containing AdSense and the semantics you use on the page. Google uses an algorithm very similar to its LSI algorithm to establish the meaning of your page. The ads it places on that page or blog post will relate to the Google algorithm’s view of the content of that page. If you wish to target high-priced keywords, then select one and design the whole page around that.
    AdSense SEO Basics: Your Title tag and Meta description should include the targeted keyword, as should the H1 header and at least one H2 heading. The vocabulary you use in your page content should relate semantically to the target keyword, and your image ‘alt’ attributes should also contain it. Where AdSense is concerned, classical SEO techniques definitely help to ensure you get the highest CPC ads included on the page.

    3. Balance Ad Blocks Numbers with Content Length

    You are allowed three AdSense blocks on your page. However, do not use all three unless your content or blog posts are long enough to warrant it. Keep in mind what you have read above: Google apportions ads according to your content!
    If your content is insufficient to give the Google algorithm enough information for your three ad blocks, then you may find your page containing irrelevant Adverts and even some public ads! These are general adverts irrelevant to your niche, and they will drastically reduce your average CPC. Many people get better results with just one ad block on short content pages, because all the ads will more focused on their topic and of a higher average CPC that if 2 or more blocks were published.

    4. Analyze Your Ad Placement

    You can place ads right at the top of your page, in the middle, at the bottom as a footer on every page or anywhere else you want. Google usually offers you the highest paid ads it is prepared to give you to the first slot loaded. Are you aware of the loading order of each element on your blog or website page? If not, check your source code (Ctrl+U) or concern with your theme developer.
    The first AdSense block that appears in the source file will be the first that Google finds. That block will usually be given the highest CPC adverts, with lower CPC ads being provided in those blocks loading later.
    Ad Review Center: Another option you have is to block advert categories that traditionally do not pay much per click. You can use this to block ads for categories that are not relevant to your site – or that you would rather advertise yourself rather than allow AdSense to do so.
    Ad Platform: It usually makes little difference whether your blog is shown on desktop PCs, laptops, tablets or cell phones. However, there are cases where cell phone ads can offer a higher CPC, so if you have this option then use it. Make sure your site is available to cell phone searches.
    Improve The Quality of Your Site: The higher the quality of your website or blog in the eyes of Google’s algorithms or crawlers, then the higher the AdSense CPC of the ads Google is likely to give you. Work for quality backlinks, make good use of keywords and other on-page SEO and make use of Google+ and other social networking sites. You will then be more likely to be given the higher CPC ads for your niche. The extra work can be worth a lot of cash $


    • Get good traffic figures – Google places the higher CPC adverts on high traffic sites,

    • Focus your page on keywords that cost most to AdWords users,

    • Use Channels to increase your AdSense CPC,

    • Place your ads carefully so that Google provides top CPC placements where your visitors are most likely to click, and

    • Work hard to maximize your CTR – the proportion of visitors to your site that click on your adverts can influence Google to give you the top-paying AdSense ads.
    Do all that, and you should be successful in increasing AdSense CPC on your site to a maximum level.

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    1 comment:

    1. Really Explains very well nice job, Loved it :)


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